Sunday, January 24, 2016

Last week of January already?

Hoping students have recuperated from the fun-filled trip last week!  I hope you enjoyed the photos. Another thank you to our parent chaperones, Patty, Sindhu, Anders, Roger and Kathy.  We couldn't have done it without you!
 A couple of important announcements:

  • If you have a SON in my class, please have them look at the email account that we use for the vocab quizzes - Keith sent a survey regarding how they view Boys to Men meetings. It would be great if they could take a couple minutes to complete this asap.
  • SUPPORT IA AT SDUSD BOARD MEETING-TUESDAY: Tuesday evening, 5:00 p.m. the board will vote whether to move forward with the apartment project. Since board members are elected, it is a great way to teach children about local politics and it is time to be heard. We will have signs for our supporters The more folks that show up the more likely this will go in our favor. Please also call in your opposition to the board office at (619) 725-5550
  • Report Cards will be ready for parents to pick up on Friday.  I will be in the classroom until 3:30.  Report cards not picked up by you will be mailed home.

We will be starting a new math unit on Ratios, Rates,Percents and Proportions this week.  In Science, we will continue on our quest to understand Climate Change with experiments on greenhouse gases and ice cores.  We will continue our novel reading of "Nature's Confessions." Keith will be posting his new vocabulary list so check tomorrow on the Vocabulary tab on my Digital Portfolio. 

We will be welcoming our new classroom aide, Nathan, in addition to Laura. He will stay in my classroom to help with math/science while Laura stays with Keith to help with humanities. From this point forward, our year flies by!  Please encourage your kids to remember to stay on top of their studies, and come to school prepared and ready to learn each day.  

Friday, January 22, 2016

Biosphere2 Day 2

Had an incredible day today! Toured the Biosphere 2, learned more about Climate Change from the experts, got to be test subjects for a nature hike that the Education Outreach staff is piloting, enjoyed each others' company for the afternoon and dinner time, then swiftly learned about the importance of being prepared when the power went out for over two hours!  It made for an easy transition to lights out for the night!  Enjoy the photos.


