Friday, September 3, 2010

Lisa's Class Week 1 Update

ATTENTION! IA NEEDS STUDENTS! Although the 8th grade class and 3rd grade class are nearly full, some classes need more kids! Please let your friends and neighbors know about Innovations Academy. They can enroll immediately. Contact me if you have questions.
We made it through the first week of school! I had a great time seeing old faces and getting to know new ones. I am sure this year will be another great one at Innovations Academy.

This week we spent most of our days with the seventh and eighth graders combined. Because Tony and I will both be seeing your students, we want to form a united front when it comes to classroom procedures, positive discipline and schoolwork expectations. We spent this week setting goals and expectations, finding out about each other, creating posters to promote a positive community and most of all, having fun!

Next week we will begin our first project and ease into "real" schoolwork! I will be assessing all students to place them into pre-algebra or algebra classes. Our first math unit will center around symmetry and patterns. We will kick off science learning about chemistry and chemical reactions.

Some reminders:

Kyle's birthday party is this Saturday at 6:30 at Corvette Diner

NO SCHOOL MONDAY! Happy Labor Day!

Please bring school supplies by Tuesday. Return any unfinished school paperwork to Donna.

School lunches begin Tuesday. You must pre-order a day ahead. Check out our school website for more information.

Back To School Night is Sept 16th

Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. I look forward to another great week next week.

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