Hello 7th grade families,
The Biosphere2 trip is 10 days away! Students brought home the emergency info forms and packing list last week. Please return the emergency form as well as any remaining money for the trip in by Friday please. The second payment of $50 is due Friday. Here is the link to the field trip page with info.
A couple of drivers are no longer able to come. If you are able to help us by driving and want to explore the famous biosphere with us, please let us know.
The past week included getting back into routines and starting our new project.
Math: Last week we reviewed operations with integers and PEMDAS. We also learned about the distributive property using "Smarties" This coming week students will be introduced to combining like terms and simple one and two step equations.
Project: We kicked off our Climate Change Project in Science class. We started with an introduction to climate change by looking at the nation of Tuvalu. It is comprised of a group of atolls in the south Pacific that over 11,000 residents call home. Tuvalu is rapidly disappearing due to the rise in the sea level. In the next three weeks we will learn the science behind this "hot" topic in order to discern how we can best do our part to decrease its effect on our lives. We learned to differentiate between the definition of weather and the meaning of climate. We also investigated biomes and the Biosphere2 website in preparation for our trip. This coming week, we will look at the atmosphere. In order to understand how excess carbon dioxide is changing the climate, students will learn about the Earth’s energy budget and then focus on greenhouse gases.
Humanities: Please check Keith's class portfolio for information about humanities.
Novel: We started a new novel called "Nature's Confession" by JL Morin, a cli-fi(climate-fiction) story of two teens out to save the world from ecological disaster.
I look forward to another great week! Hoping for a little less moisture!

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