Sunday, March 27, 2016

February 29- Mar 4

Hello 7th grade families!

Some important items of business :  

Notice, the following is the exact same message as last week(we are still only at 50%): Please help your students by signing their Home-to-School journals!  We changed the day they come home to Thursdays after a discussion that sending home on Fridays was too hard to remember to bring back on Mondays. We have been getting just over half returned.  Look for the journal on Thursday. Let's see if we can have 100% signed and returned on Friday

Notice the date change:We have a bike ride scheduled for Tuesday March 8 to the waterfall in  Los Penasquitos Canyon.  We may need a couple of shuttles to and from school.  (Contact me if interested!)  I took a poll of how many students have bikes.  We are a couple short if anyone has extras.  

-Notice the date change: We have a field trip to Reuben H Fleet Science Center on Tuesday March 22.  Drivers requested!

-Our Zion trip is officially on the books for Monday May 30 - Friday June 3.  Please mark your calendars for a parent info meeting on Tuesday March 15.  I will hold 2 sessions:  8:15 am - 9:00 am or  3:45 pm - 4:30 pm

-A payment of $25 will be due March 15, April 15 and May 15. We are right on track for the balance to come from our fundraising!

 Meanwhile, in academic news

Math  we started on Exponents and Square Roots. Students are responsible for knowing their squares of 1s - 15s and 20. We started learning about exponents and were successful in getting into IXL.  Students will be given a Learning Path for IXL to complete their quest toward mastering exponents and square roots this week.  The path can be completed in class or at home.  Students recorded their passwords and usernames in their math notebooks for reference.  If you would also like it for your records please email me.

Science: We decided on a calendar template for our Climate Change resource guide.  Students are working on facts and figures and hope to complete the final draft by next week.     This should give us plenty of time for printing and distribution for Exhibition night.

News from Keith's class:
The students are enjoying making comic strips, role plays, short stories, classroom displays etc. with our weekly list. We hold steady at late 80s% success on the vocab test, so on average one could argue that the class is mastering the list each week. Enjoy testing your student especially on a Thursday night. (I will email the new week's vocab list tomorrow. )

We are into the final, fun stage of the climate change project - students making audio-visual products. Please ask your students what they are doing and who with, and chip in ideas. They made plans last week and the goal is to be finished in plenty of time for Exhibition Night. 

Have a wonderful week!  

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