- Overnight to Borrego Palm Canyon State Park 9:00 am Thursday Nov. 20 - 12:00 Fri Nov. 21 cost is $6.00. Click here for emergency contact form and here for packing list and campground info.
- Recycling Drop off Friday mornings curbside or any time in room 509. We can take cans, plastic or glass bottles .
Update on my daughter Brianna: After 9 days in the hospital, she finally came home! Let the recovery begin!
This week during our project, 'Where's the Water? From Drought to Deluge' students worked on their individual topic presentations. We also held a mock Socratic Seminar using simple classroom topics in order to practice the valuable discussion technique. Click here for a model students watched before performing our own. This coming Wednesday, students will hold a Seminar on "Climate Change."
In Math we completed our unit on Thinking With Mathematical Models with a group test - Students had no idea the fun activity we completed was their test!-

Writer's Workshop below is a message from Melissa, our WW teacher:
While we only had an hour of writer’s workshop time this
past week, students were able to complete and submit their introductory paragraphs
to me. I have reviewed their submissions and have commented on their Google
docs entries or their printed sheets. They will receive these on Monday and
will be given time to make corrections. We
practiced this past week identifying evidence to support a claim. Each student
was given an expressive face and was asked to identify from a list of possible
emotions which emotion the face expressed citing evidence. Most students were
able to be specific about their evidence. For instance, if a student thought
his or her face expressed the emotion happy, they would note that the mouth was
curved into a smile, the eyes were bright, and the eyebrows were relaxed. We
practiced this in anticipation of finding evidence in the short story, “All Summer
in a Day” to support the claim or thesis statement in each student’s intro
paragraph. Our goal is to complete the thematic analysis essay in time for
exhibition night in December.
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