Upcoming Events:
Wednesday after lunch: POL makeups and re-dos
Thursday 9:00-1:15: Field trip to Miramar Landfill. We will leave AT 9:00. Pack a lunch. This trip is free and transportation is provided for the students!
The last couple of weeks were devoted to POL preparation and presentations.
Students worked hard in their preparation and it paid off! We watched students present artifacts of their learning and discuss how habits of mind such as persistence, preparation, relevance, imagination, conjecture, planning, empathy and precision influenced their work. Their Presentations of Learning were given before their peers, parents and teachers. Tony was able to videotape everyone in case you were not able to attend your child's POL. Please come in and see them.
In between POLs, we took a trip back in time to Riley's farm to learn a little bit about colonial times. The students visited hands-on stations where they learned about the Stamp Act, The Quartering Act, How to be a well regulated militia, The Admiralty Court, the blacksmith, weaving, and 18th century games. They ate a soldier's ration for lunch and participated in a mock battle. The Revolutionary War came to life!
Students participated in a mock battle:
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