This week was one that required much teamwork. I am so impressed with our class' attitude of ownership this year. The students began leading morning meetings and class council this week. I watched as a leader was chosen each day and how the other students worked together to make the meetings effective for everyone. They try to show respect for each other and honor each other's ideas. I am so excited to watch them grow as individuals as well as a united class this year.
We braved the elements on Wednesday to hike Iron Mountain. Our hike started out cool with a chance of showers. After about a mile of walking it started misting. As we walked higher up the mountain we were immersed in the clouds and quite damp. We trudged up the trail, not being able to see much ahead of us because of the mist. Just after we got to the top, the cloud cover opened up enough to enjoy an incredible view of the horizon. On a clear day you can get a 360 degree view of San Diego county all the way to the ocean. We still enjoyed the nearly 6 mile hike and had a fun time out in nature. A very grateful thank you to Jennifer, Laura and Naomi for helping with the drive.
Our first Friday Rubios lunch program went off without a hitch! We profited $ 115.90. We hope to average $100 per week to raise funds for our Northern California trip in May. Each student in our class helped with order form distribution, advertising, collecting money and orders, and serving food.
Math: Pre-Algebra and Algebra students focused on the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers this week.
Science: Students used the earthworm information they gathered last week to learn about how to create a laboratory report. After collecting their work and realizing many of them were incomplete and lacked detail, we discussed the reasons why complete and accurate laboratory reports are necessary. Students were then given a model of a “good” laboratory report as well as a template that would work for most experiments. Our second drafts were much better!
During humanities, students finished their "Who Am I " artwork, created a presentation rubric and started presenting their work to the class. They also worked on writing individual stories.
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