We had a very productive week! We finished off our Medieval Europe unit with a great field trip! It was neat to hear academic language that we learned in class being used during the Medieval Tournament.
Upcoming events and due dates:
Monday Feb 2: Vocab Quiz #4 / $75 Trip Sacramento trip payment due
Tuesday Feb 3 : A Separate peace Summary rough draft due
Thursday Feb 5: Historical Figure Story rough draft due in Media
Friday Feb 6:Exponents Partner Quiz/ A Separate Peace Final draft due
Monday Feb 9: Vocab Quiz #5
Parents, report cards went home on Friday(with a Student ID included.) If you have any questions, please contact me. You also should have seen last week's assignment checklist attached to the Home-to-School Journal sent home on Friday. Please make sure the journal is signed by you and returned on Monday! The next weekly checklist will be handed to students on Monday and will be sent home each Friday with their Journal. I hope this helps you to follow along with what is happening in class. Students were excited to be able to see all of their progress on one checklist. I hope this will help with the organization of student work and time management.
In the Sunday call this week, you were asked to complete a survey. It is anonymous and very helpful for teachers as it is useful parent feedback
In Writers' Workshop, students pitched their inventions for the "Komodo Dragon's Poisonous Saliva Tank." They will take Vocab Quiz #4 on Monday Feb 2. In reading,we finished our novel, "A Separate Peace" this week! It had a surprise ending that many of us did not expect. Students will write a summary on the book this next week. We will start our next book, "The Book Thief" on Mon. Feb. 9. Next Monday's Feb 9 quiz words include:
Vocabulary #5
(n.) the act or process of contorting. (2.) The state of being contorted. (3.)
twisted in position or in meaning.
Sentence: Mr. Poe’s
work can sometimes be viewed as a contortion of words.
(n.) A daring or bold resistance to authority or to any opposing force.
Sentence: The Vikings
were posed as a threat and defiant when fighting against Ireland.
(adj.) radiant, or reflecting light; shining; bright. (2.) Brilliant
intellectually, enlightened or enlightening.
Sentence: His
brilliance was luminous beyond words.
(n.) small, rounded hill or eminence; hillock.
Sentence: Cade rode off
of the knoll with his bmx and landed with grace.
(adj.) gloomily dark; shadowy; dimly lighted. (2.) dark and dull, as color, or
as things in respect to color.
Sentence: The young
girl walked through the door with such somber energy.
(adj.) keenly watchful to detect danger; wary.
Sentence: Henry’s dog
is always vigilant towards strangers.
****Bonus: yes, I did
write the word “bonus”!!!!****
(pronoun) a possessive form of “you”..
Sentence: “Laura will
borrow your book today,” Dr. M. stated.
– contraction of you are.
Sentence: “Greg, you’re
one of the best pitchers I know,” said Frank.
We continued our math unit Growing, Growing, Growing.... an investigation into exponents, exponential growth and decay. We learned about rules used to simplify exponents.
This week in history students presented their petitions before the King. Next week we will fast forward in time to United States History as we get into the details of our project, War: What is it good for? We will begin to create a timeline from early history to our current day looking at specific ideas that have evolved because of wars. We will investigate the evolution of technology, medicine, espionage, maritime warfare, communication, and weaponry through the lens of war.
In Media, students are learning about historical figures involved in war and creating a short story of a specific event in their life.