Upcoming Events:
*Book Fair March 19 until March 23 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
*Wednesday March 21: Family Night between 4:30-7:00 Book Fair and Classroom visit
*Friday March 23: Costco Pizza fundraiser for lunch
*Superheroes project Benchmark 2 due Tuesday March 20 Benchmark 3 due Friday March 23
Our Math test took a little longer to attempt due to teacher error! We took the test last Tuesday and the kids had a great time traveling to different coordinates around the school to find their test questions. We started our new unit on Polynomials. Students will learn new meanings for FOIL and xBox as they discover how to simplify and later factor algebraic equations with many(poly) terms.
We are continuing to work on our integrated Superheroes project. All parents were asked to read over the Superhero in the Making Project outline and sign it. Please make sure you have read over it and support your student with ideas, research and meeting their deadlines. I am still missing a couple of signatures. I am happy to say all groups turned in the 1st Benchmark for the Physics portion of the project on the due date!! This week students are working on an outline(Benchmark 2) and the first draft (Benchmark 3) of the physics concept for the superpower they chose. This research will help them to gain knowledge and understand their superpower, in order to create a memorable superhero. Some students will be using their knowledge to help me teach minilabs about their chosen physics concept.
In other news, today is the first week of our new explorations class sessions for Hip Hop and Photography. Last week, our 1st grade buddies got the opportunity to join in our coordinate plane fun by working with the 8th graders in an outside activity similar to our math test. Students used our coordinate plan map to determine a design that was made using points they had to find around school and putting them on a graph. Cooking Club was yummy with berry smoothies and banana chocolate peanut butter shakes.